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Why doesn’t my toddler want to eat real food?

feeding therapy

by Jennifer McCullough M.S. CCC-SLP As a pediatric feeding therapist I get asked this question often. Many toddlers ranging in age from 10 months to 24 months come in to see me because they refuse to transition from their bottle/breast feeding and purees to chunky and chewable solids. They refuse by turning their heads, pushing…

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Foods that Encourage Chewing

Beginning Stage: Cubes of hard cheese such as cheddar, Monterrey jack, and American Cubes of white meat, chicken roll, and turkey roll Partially cooked carrots, potatoes, green beans – cubed or cut in lengths for biting Grilled cheese sandwiches – cubes or strips French toast – cubes or strips Firm omelets – cubes or strips…

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