Occupational Therapy: Developing Scissor and Fine Motor Skills
Here are some activities for developing pre-scissor and fine motor skills!
Crawling activities – through a tunnel or home made obstacle course.
Balloon Volleyball – hit a balloon or light beach ball with your hands and see how long you can keep it up in the air
Walking on hands, pretending to be different animals (e.g. bear, lion, frog, rabbit.)
Wind-up toys
Finger or glove puppets
Stringing beads
Play dough – encourage the child to pull pieces apart, roll with rolling pin, squeeze and pinch. Making biscuits or cookies could also achieve the same goals
Jigsaw puzzles
Games that involve turning knobs and handles (e.g. Pop-Up Pirates, Downfall, Etch-A-Sketch.)
For more information on fine motor skills visit https://www.pediaspeech.com/ or call us at 770-209-9826!